GIMP - Borders On Selections Since GIMP is an image manipulation program and not a painting program it doesn't include tools to draw shapes like ...
Four Ways to Draw a Border Around a Selection in GIMP 23 Apr 2014 ... GIMP, GIMP tutorial, selection borders, border selections, filling borders, feathering borders, painting ...
3.17. Stroke Selection - GIMP Documentation There are two ways you can stroke the selection, either by using a paint tool or without using one. This means that the selection border, which is emphasized in the image with a dotted line, can be ...
11.3. Add Border - GIMP“ Add Border ” This filter just does what its name says: it adds a border to the image. You can specify the thickness of the border as well ...
4.13. Border The Select Border command creates a new selection along the edge of an existing selection in the current image.
14.2. Creating a Basic Shape GIMP is not designed to be used for drawing. [4] However, you may create shapes by either painting them using the technique ... If you choose the latter option, create an outline by using theStroke ...
Creating a Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle Using The Gimp 2 Feb 2009 ... Drawing a Rounded Rectangle in Gimp. If you have ever used MS Paint or something like it, you might be used to the pre-made ... This should create a border around the rectangle.
How to Add a Border to an Image in GIMP Tutorial | Webmaster Tips 22 Jun 2008 ... There are at least a couple of ways to add a border to an image in GIMP. I'll describe two ... GIMP script-fu add border. You will ... Press Shift-b to choose the paint bucket tool. Choose ...
How to make a simple border for a picture in gimp! - Instructables Ok I'm going to show you how to make a border in g.i.m.p.First you'll Need1 GIMP2 An ... Painting with Light and GIMP